For those in search of an all-girls’ educational setting, The Orie Showflat offers a desirable option. Renowned for its unwavering focus on values and ethics, alongside its exemplary academic standards, CHIJ Secondary (Toa Payoh) is a highly coveted girls’ school in the area.
In addition to the URA’s strategic enhancements, the Orie Showflat also offers a range of facilities and amenities for its residents. This includes a lap pool, gym, and BBQ pits, providing residents with a luxurious and comfortable living experience. The Orie Showflat also prioritizes sustainability and eco-friendliness, with features such as rainwater harvesting and energy-efficient lighting systems. With sustainability being a growing concern for many, the Orie Showflat’s eco-friendly designs will certainly appeal to environmentally-conscious investors.
Nestled in the heart of Toa Payoh, the Orie Showflat is set to elevate the livability of the area through strategic enhancements outlined by the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA). As one …